心靈瑜珈親子教室_孩子咁心散_Bhakti Yoga Parent Child Teaching Lab_My Child have short attention span

Posted by on Mar 31, 2017 in 心理輔導/Counseling, 最新消息/News Update | 0 comments

心靈瑜珈親子教室_孩子咁心散_Bhakti Yoga Parent Child Teaching Lab_My Child have short attention span

Ida Poon You Tube親子教學_A Parent Child Teaching Lesson of Ida Poon in You Tube Channel

2weak attentionIMG_0196

你好,我是親子關係治療師潘姑娘,今日要與大家分享為什麼孩子咁心散,咁心散的意思是專注力弱, 亦即是心神不能集中在一項任務上,導致完成任務的效率下降,被父母或導師責罵,引致緊張的親子或師生關係。首先,家長先 

1. 了解外在因素如環境誘惑,如孩子做功課期間周邊的環境是否安靜、是否沒有其他騷擾,家長可以從聽覺(聲音)、視覺(影像)、嗅覺(氣味)、味覺及觸覺五方面去觀察及評估,作出調較
2. 了解學習內容如書本、功課、測驗、興趣技能…等等程度是否太深、數量是否太多、技能是否太複雜而不適合孩子的學習能力。如果家長探索後發現程度真的太深、數量真的太多、技能真的太複雜的話,便可以與學校老師、學校社工(如有)、技能導師等相關人士去商討如何協助提昇孩子的專注力 3. 內在因素,如了解孩子專注能力的時間 (喜歡及不喜歡的項目),是否與同齡孩子專注能力的時間相若
4. 另外,亦可探索孩子的學習動機、孩子是否定下學習目標及是否有通知孩子完成任務後的活動安排,因為當孩子了解到當他或她快速完成一項任務之後,他或她可以去公園玩或者食茶點…,他或她便會提昇專注效率,去享受下一個節目。

要處理為什麼孩子咁心散,當然最理想的方法是尋求專業協助,家長可與親子關係治療師了解個別孩子心散的情況,需要的話,亦可進行專注力評估及制定相關提昇孩子專注力的方案及措施。聯絡親子關係治療師潘姑娘2527 4000 / 9303 1671,學習相關技巧,快樂親子由你創,歡迎瀏覽 親子輔導/Parent-Child Counseling http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/


1. 親子互動遊戲輔導 – 2至7歲的子女
2. 遊戲輔導 – 7歲以上的子女
3. 主題課程: 情緒智商/專注力訓練/理財智商/社交技巧/性教育/領袖訓練…2.5歲以上的子女
4. 兒童智力及心理評估,如智力評估、教育學習評估、讀寫障礙評估…2.5歲以上的子女
5. 親子瑜珈 – 3歲以上的子女

灣仔地鐵站A2出口, 向銅鑼灣方向行5分鐘
電話:2527 4000 / 9303 1671
網址: http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BhaktiYogaHK

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Hi, I am a Parent Child Relationship Therapist, Ida. Today I will share with you the topic of why our child has short attention span. Short attention span means the child has short concentrated time to spend on a task; hence he or she achieves low efficiency, being blamed and causing tense parent-child or mentoring relationship. In order to tackle this issue, the parents can consider the following points:

1. Parents firstly understand external factors such as environment stimulation. Check whether there is any disturbance or stimulation from the environment surrounded by child e.g. loud TV sound…Parents can review 5 senses in the environment, including hearing (sound), visual (image), smell (smell), taste and touch to observe and evaluate whether the environment can be provided to his or her child to focus.
2. Understand the learning content such as books, homework, quiz, interest skills… whether the learning content is too deep, the completed amount is too much, the skills are too complicated and not suitable for child’s learning ability. If the parents are checked and concluded that the learning content is really too deep, the completed amount is surely too much and the skills are definitely too complicated, then they can discuss how to help child enhancing attentive span with school teachers, school social worker (if have), skills tutors and other parties.
3. Internal factors such as capturing his or her own child’s attention span length (his or her favorite or unfavourite items), compared with same age children’s attention span length is the same, poor or good.
4. In addition, parents also needs to explore his or her child’s learning motivation (have or have not), learning goals (set or not set yet) and check whether has informed the child next arrangement after his or her completion of current task. When the child has informed the next arrangement or activity, he or she will be more focus, quickly complete current task and go to next arrangement e.g. go to the park or take snack…

The best way to tackle your child’s short attention span is too seek for professional guidance, contact Ms Ida Poon, a Parent Child Relationship Therapist 2527 4000 / 9303 1671 and learn effective relevant skills. Create your Happy Parent Child Relationship! Welcome to our website 親子輔導/Parent-Child Counseling http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/


1. Parent Child Interactive Play Counseling – Child 2 to 7 years old
2. Play Counseling – Child over 7 years old
3. Theme Courses: Emotional Intelligence / Attentive Training / Money Intelligence / Social Skills / Sex Education / Leadership Training..Child over 2.5 years old
4. Children Psychological Assessment e.g IQ tests, Educational Evaluation, Dyslexia Assessment…child over 2.5 years old
5. Parent Child Yoga – child over 3 years old

Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre Limited
Rm B, 3/F, Sze Lai Bldg, 243 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, HK.
MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit A2, walk to Causeway Bay direction around 5 minutes
Tel: 25274000 / 9303 1671
Email: byctc.hk@gmail.com
Website: http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BhaktiYogaHK

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