美體伸展瑜珈班_5月2017_Beauty Stretching Yoga Class_May 2017

Posted by on Apr 26, 2017 in 最新消息/News Update, 瑜珈/Yoga | 0 comments

美體伸展瑜珈班 (查詢:2527 4000)

C: 2/5, 9/5, 16/5, 23/5, 30/5* (逢星期二), 12:30-1:30p.m.,費用$750 (5)

D: 2/5, 9/5, 16/5, 23/5, 30/5* (逢星期二), 7:00-8:30p.m.,費用$900 (5)

W:3/5*, 10/5, 17/5, 24/5, 31/5/2017 (逢星期三), 7:30-9:00p.m.,費用$900 (5)

F: 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5/2017 (逢星期四), 12:30-1:30p.m.,費用$600 (4)

M: 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5/2017 (逢星期四), 7:00-8:30p.m.,費用$720 (4)

H: 6/5, 13/5, 20/5, 27/5/2017 (逢星期六), 11:00-12:30a.m.,費用$720 (4)

*亦有私人教授或二人同行瑜珈班, 日期及時間可以任擇, 歡迎查詢*

new low back pain


「美」的存在,叫人驚訝宇宙間的天地萬物,總察覺到「她」的存在。瑜珈從印度梵語YueYui而來,意思是一致結合和諧的意思,瑜珈便是將身與心結合的古老健身法。當你開始練習,再反覆練習,透過專注的呼吸、變化多樣的式子組合及伸展扭曲的動作,就能夠按摩體內的五臟六腑,令肌肉及身心均放鬆,血液循環,舒緩勞累及延緩老化速度,最終再獲得「她」- 美麗健康的身體及線條。「美」的追求,一直存在,直至永恆!


Ida Poon 是一位喜愛瑜珈運動的修習者,她本身是一位婚姻及親子的社工/心理治療師,深受瑜珈優美的動作及寧靜的感覺所吸引。在修習哈達瑜珈多年之後,她確認這項既可美體,又可鍛鍊身體及平和情緒的終身運動,便把瑜珈運動結合在臨床的心理輔導及治療之中,讓客人在輔導室以外有多一個治療的選擇。Ida Poon 在2005年考獲瑜珈導師資格(SHKYI)至今,她擅長根據學生不同的需要,教授各種適合學生的式子、呼吸法及冥想,讓學生逐漸了解自己身體的強弱處,以釐定學習的目標及改善體質。她教授清晰,過程流暢,特別能夠營造開心快樂及互動學習的氣氛。她定期去印度深造其瑜珈修習,曾在學校及志願機構任教,擅長教授二人/夫妻瑜珈、親子瑜珈、長者瑜珈及一對一的教授。

地址:香港灣仔軒尼詩道243號詩禮大廈3樓B室(灣仔地鐵站A2出口, 向銅鑼灣方向行)

備註:本課程適合任何人仕報讀 (如有急性痛症者,建議先看醫生接受治療)


Beauty Stretching Yoga Class (Enquiry: 2527 4000)

Group C: 2/5, 9/5, 16/5, 23/5, 30/5* (Every Tuesday), 12:30-1:30p.m., Fee$750 (5 lessons)

Group D: 2/5, 9/5, 16/5, 23/5, 30/5* (Every Tuesday), 7:00-8:30p.m., Fee$900 (5 lessons)

Group W: : 3/5*, 10/5, 17/5, 24/5, 31/5/2017 (Every Wednesday), 7:30-9:00p.m., Fee$900 (5 lessons)

Group F: 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5/2017 (Every Thursday), 12:30-1:30p.m., Fee$600 (4 lessons)

Group M: 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5/2017 (Every Thursday), 7:00-8:30p.m., Fee$720 (4 lessons)

Group H: 6/5, 13/5, 20/5, 27/5/2017, Fee$720 (4 lessons)

*Private Class or 2 person classes are provided, date & time can be flexible, enquiry is welcome!* 

purple yoga

Course Outline:

It is amazing the existence ofBeauty, the Universe always aware of the existence of “her”. The word of “Yoga”, originated from a Sanskrit word of “Yui” or “Yue, means “Consistence”, Combination” or “Harmony”. Hence Yoga is a classic fitness exercise to combine our body and mind together. When you start to practice and practice, through learning focused Breathing exercises (Pranayama), diversified yoga poses and stretching and twisting movements, it massages our bodies’ internal organs and achieves muscles relaxation, blood circulation, pain and fatigue relieving, slow down aging speed and eventually it brings our Beauty coming back. Besides, mind is also relaxing and harmony. The pursuit of “Beauty” is existed and until eternity!

Yoga Master Background:

Ida Poon is an experienced yoga practitioner and teacher; she is a senior clinical social worker and counselor, specialized in marriage and parent-child relationship. She was being attracted by Hatha Yoga which illustrates beautiful physical postures and peaceful feelings. After practicing energized yoga several years, she was confirmed that to make use of her favorite yoga into her clinical counseling practice as well, so that to give one more choice of treatment methods for her clients outside the counseling room. In 2005, Ida gained Yoga Trainer qualification (SHKYI) until now; she is efficient to teach different yoga poses (Asanas), breathing methods (Pranayama) and meditation to her students depends on their bodily needs. Hence students can capture the knowledge of their bodies and emotions step by step, set their learning goals and enhance body strengths. Ida Poon would go to India for her yoga practice regularly. She has taught yoga in schools and voluntary agencies and experienced in delivering 2-persons or couple yoga, parent-child yoga, senior yoga class and private class.


Address: Rm B, 3/F, Sze Lai Bldg, 243 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, HK (MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit A2, walk to Causeway Bay direction)

Remarks: Courses are suitable for all students (It is recommended to see a doctor for immediate treatment if you have acute pain

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