舒緩膝蓋疼痛的瑜珈動作_Yoga for Soothing Knee Pain

Posted by on Oct 20, 2017 in 最新消息/News Update, 瑜珈/Yoga | 0 comments

舒緩膝蓋疼痛的瑜珈動作_Yoga for Soothing Knee Pain

(Ida Poon You Tube瑜珈教學_A Teaching Lesson of Ida Poon in You Tube Channel)

new knee pain_IMG_0234

最近,有瑜珈學生反映朋友有膝蓋痛,膝蓋關節痛的原因有很多,可以是退化、肌腱發炎、膝關節位置不正確、長期勞損、意外創傷等都可以引致膝蓋痛。今日會為大家示範一些舒緩膝蓋痛的瑜珈動作,包括增加髖部柔韌度的束角式,強化股內側肌的三角式及戰士二式以及讓膝蓋正位的靠牆半蹲等瑜珈動作,希望幫到有膝蓋疼痛的瑜珈同學或朋友。記得先做熱身才開始練習瑜珈動作。享受瑜珈, 享受生命! Namaste!


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Meetup: 伸展瑜珈班_Stretching-Yoga-Group

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Hare Krsna recently yoga student reflects that she has a friend with knee pain. Knee pain might occur many reasons, can be degraded, tendon inflammation, incorrect knee position, long-term strain, accidental trauma…can cause knee pain. Today we will show you some soothing knee pain yoga postures, including Bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana), Triangle pose (Utthita Trikonasana), Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) and Squat Wall Hold. Hoping these postures can help knee pain patients. Remember to do warm-up exercises first before performing our Energized Yoga. Enjoy Yoga, Enjoy Life! Namaste!


1) Tendon assessment and consultation service (suitable for all persons, especially for the elderly or person cannot extend the tendon properly)

2) Enrollment in our Stretching/Happy/Parent-child/Senior Persons Yoga classes (or Single/2 persons class)

3) Professional Counseling Service (Individual, Marital and Family Relationship, Sex Counseling, Emotional Counseling, Parent-Child Play Counseling, Hypnotherapy…)

Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre Limited

Rm B, 3/F, Sze Lai Bldg, 243 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, HK.

(MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit A2, walk to Causeway Bay direction around 5 minutes)

Tel: 25274000 / 9303 1671

Email: idayogahk@gmail.com

Website: http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/yoga/

Instagram: bhakti_yoga_hk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BhaktiYogaHK

Meetup: 伸展瑜珈班_Stretching-Yoga-Group

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