超級腦瑜珈 / Super Brain Yoga / Thoppu-karanam
1. 起源
“Thoppu Karanam” – 是一種泰米爾語(南印度語)的詞語,意思是抱著耳朵。從古代來看,這種做法在印度文化中是顯而易見的,一般人會在主甘納帕伊(Lord Ganapathy)(象徵表現出一種代表至高無上的智慧 – 象神的能量,“Ga”代表與大腦相連的,“Na”代表智慧和“Pathy”代表大師或主人,所以理想的意思是智慧及智力的大師)的形象面前做這個動作。據說這個動作是要刺激對智慧及智力的追求。亦有說,這個動作來自古印度的師徒私塾系統中是顯而易見的,老師會要求他們的學生練習這個動作,以刺激大腦及其功能。用力壓耳垂的真正原因是要刺激垂體和松果腺
2. 專業支持
1) 洛杉磯的醫生Eric Robins稱這個動作為“一種快速,簡單,無毒品的增加精神能量的方法”,並向他的病人介紹。他說他的一個學生在一個學期的時間裡,成績由C級升到了A級
2) 職業治療師Raina Koturba說,對一名7歲自閉症男孩的影響是直接和戲劇性的。在學習這個動作之前,男孩經常對人發生暴力,包括踢,咬,打,撞頭… “但自從他開始練習這個動作之後,他再沒有發生暴力。”
3) 一名協助學習障礙學生的高中老師Denise Peak,她的學生包括有自閉症和阿斯伯格綜合症(普及發展障礙),她說這個動作已經取得令人鼓舞的成果及她認為這可能是解決這些孩子的關鍵
4) 耶魯大學神經生物學研究員Dr. Eugenius Yang,Jr.說,這個動作通過激活耳垂上的穴位來刺激大腦中的神經網絡,包括左腦及右腦,如腦電圖掃描所顯示。她說: “我每天都這樣做”。她亦阿茲海默症、自閉症患者以及專注不足/過度活躍症患者介紹了這個動作
5) 在東方醫學中,耳朵的外部分被視為代表整個身體的微系統。根據神經病學家Paul Nogier醫生的說法,耳朵對應於在子宮內捲曲的倒置胎兒。耳朵上的點對應於身體的特定區域,耳垂對應於頭部。因此,按摩這些點可以對大腦產生治療益處
3. 最佳實踐時間
4. 方法
聯絡 資深臨床心理輔導員潘姑娘 2527 4000 / 9303 1671 瀏覽 兒童智力及心理評估/Children Psychological Assessment
Thoppu-karanam / Super Brain Yoga
Super Brain Yoga can increase the intelligence, help people with ADHD, ADD, Autism, Dyslexia, Down’s Syndrome, Learning Difficulties and Mild Depression…Video can be viewed by pressing the following photo:
1. Origins:
“Thoppu Karanam” is a Tamil (a South Indian Language) word, which means to hold the ears. From ancient times this practice has been evident in the Indian Culture, where people practice in front of the image of the Lord Ganapathy (a symbolic representation of supreme energy in the form of an elephant which actually signifies wisdom. Thus also connected with the brain. “Ga” representing Intelligence, “Na” representing Wisdom and “Pathy” representing – Master, so ideally meaning the Master of Wisdom and Intelligence). It is said that this practice is a request to stimulate the wisdom and intelligence. It is also said that the practice has been evident in the ancient Gurukula Systems, where the seers asked their pupils to practice this technique in order to stimulate and energize the brain and its functions. The practice of ear piercing too has its real reasons being the stimulation of the pituitary and pineal glands, due to the effect of the pressure in the ear lobes.
2. Professional Support
Today this practice has been reinvented and is promoted in many parts of the world as “Super Brain Yoga” and more and more people are taking to it.
1) A medical doctor Dr. Eric Robins in Los Angeles, regards it “a fast, simple, drug-free method of increasing mental energy” and prescribes it for his patients. He speaks of one student who raised his grades from C’s to A’s in the space of one semester.
2) Occupational therapist, Raina Koturba says the effect on one autistic seven-year-old boy was immediate and dramatic. Before learning the exercise, the boy had frequent episodes of violence, including kicking, biting, punching, and head-butting; “but since he started the exercise, he has not had one outburst.”
3) Denise Peak, a high-school teacher of students with learning disabilities, including autism and Aspergers Syndrome, has had very encouraging results. She says, “I think this might be the key to help unlock these children.”
4) Yale neurobiology researcher Dr. Eugenius Yang, Jr. says the practice stimulates neural pathways in the brain by activating acupuncture points on the earlobes and synchronizes the right and left hemispheres of the brain, as demonstrated by EEG (electroencephalograph) scans. “I do it every day,” he said. He has prescribed this for patients with Alzheimer’s and children with autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
5) In Eastern medicine the outer portion of the ear is viewed as a microsystem representing the entire body. According to Dr. Paul Nogier MD, a neurologist, the ear corresponds to an inverted fetus curled in the womb. Points on the ear correspond with specific areas of the body and the ear lobe corresponds to the head. Consequently, massage of these points can produce therapeutic benefits to the brain.
3. Timing
Preferably in the early morning, facing the east, which means to the sun. But if this is not possible, practice this anytime at your convenience.
4. Method:
Step 1: Stand with your feet pointing ahead, about shoulder width apart. It would a good practice to press the tongue firmly into the roof of the mouth.
Step 2: Place your left hand on your right ear lobe, thumb on the front of the lobe with fingernail facing outward and index finger behind the ear lobe. The right ear lobe represents the left brain. When you hold the right ear lobe in this manner, you energize and activate the left brain and pituitary gland.
Step 3: Place your right hand on your left ear lobe, so that your thumb is on the front of the lobe facing outward. The left ear lobe represents the right brain. Holding the left ear lobe this way energizes and activates the right brain and the pituitary gland.
Step 4 Press both earlobes simultaneously, making sure your left arm is inside your right arm.
Step 5: Pressing into the earlobes in this manner, inhaling through the nose, squat down as fully as you can, keeping your back straight. Exhale through the mouth as you come up. Repeat this for at least 10 to 12 rounds to start off with and gradually increase this practice to about 15 minutes at your own pace…enjoy your practice.