培訓項目 (2527 4000 / 9303 1671)
1. 家長培訓篇: 家長管教技巧、快速減壓、精油減壓、冥想技巧、逆境智商、情緒智商、人際關係、有效溝通技巧、戒賭、性教育、創造快樂、心靈瑜珈靈性修行訓練…等等小組/講座/工作坊
2. 孩子培訓篇: 子女情緒智商、專注力訓練、靜心正念、理財智商、社交技巧、同理心訓練、性教育、領袖訓練…等等小組/講座/工作坊
3. 親子培訓篇: 親子遊戲輔導、親子按摩、親子瑜珈/超級腦瑜珈…適合2.5歲以上的子女
4. 度身訂造培訓篇: 依據孩子/家長的身型(需要)而設計培訓課程、提供個人/機構的教練服務, 歡迎來電商討依據個人/機構培訓需要釐定培訓項目
曾培訓的機構/團體: 教育局(全港中小學)老師(教師培訓)、捷成洋行 (員工培訓)、香港專業教育學院 (學生培訓)、The Bank of New York Mellon(員工培訓)、東華三院李賜豪小學(教師培訓)、天主教聖母聖心小學(教師培訓)、粉嶺官立小學(教師培訓)、匿名機構等等…查詢/預約whatsapp 9303 1671 / 2527 4000
Professional Training/Coach Service (2527 4000)
Training topic includes Parenting skill training, Skills of Fast Stress Reduction, Skills of Facing Adversity, Skills of Emotion Control, Interpersonal Relationship, Effective Communication Skills, Anti-gambling, Sex Education…can conduct by Group / Seminar/ Workshop. We also deliver personal coach to individual or agencies. Welcome to book for tailor-made training topics and formats.
The following are some Training agencies: The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)(Student Training), The Bank of New York Mellon (Staff Training), TWGHs Li Chi Ho Primary (Teachers Training), Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School (Teachers Training), Fan Ling Government Primary School (Teachers Training), Anonymous Agencies…