心靈瑜珈親子教室_孩子講大話_Bhakti Yoga Parent Child Teaching Lab_My Child tells lies

Posted by on Mar 28, 2017 in 心理輔導/Counseling, 最新消息/News Update | 0 comments

心靈瑜珈親子教室_孩子講大話_Bhakti Yoga Parent Child Teaching Lab_My Child tells lies

Ida Poon You Tube親子教學_A Parent Child Teaching Lesson of Ida Poon in You Tube Channel


你好,我是親子關係治療師潘姑娘,如果家長發現孩子經常出現有講大話的情況,通常出現於學齡初小階段及之後,表示親子之間出現了不能坦誠相對的親子關係,家長便要留神了,因為這個情況牽涉誠信vs欺騙的道德教育問題。孩子為什麼會說謊呢? 其實孩子是好心水清的,作為家長便要留意一下:

1. 是否包圍孩子四周的都是口不對心或心口不一的不誠實的環境/人物/事情…

2. 探究孩子說謊的緣由: a. 通常孩子是擔心說真話後可能有不愉快的後果如懲罰 b. 渴望得到父母的關愛 c. 對某些想法充滿期待 d. 妒忌他人 e. 愛面子

3. 家長可以做的事: a. 營造或給予誠實的環境/人物/事情給予孩子去經驗 b. 自身做好榜樣,讓孩子模仿你的誠實可靠的好品質 c. 當孩子說實話時,家長可以即時給予欣賞或鼓勵,可以是言語或物質的小獎勵 d) 最後家長可以循循善誘教導孩子,放下愛面子,學習「遵守規則」說實話,那樣便可以獲得父母的認同及稱讚 – 因果定律。要建立良好的親子關係,效果最佳的方法,當然是尋求專業指導,聯絡親子關係治療師潘姑娘2527 4000 / 9303 1671,學習高效親子技巧,快樂親子由你創,歡迎瀏覽 親子輔導/Parent-Child Counseling  http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/


1. 親子互動遊戲輔導-2至7歲的子女

2. 遊戲輔導-7歲以上的子女

3. 主題課程: 情緒智商/專注力訓練/理財智商/社交技巧/性教育/領袖訓練…2.5歲以上的子女

4. 兒童智力及心理評估,如智力評估、教育學習評估、讀寫障礙評估…2.5歲以上的子女

5. 親子瑜珈-3歲以上的子女




灣仔地鐵站A2出口, 向銅鑼灣方向行5分鐘

電話:2527 4000 / 9303 1671


網址: http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BhaktiYogaHK

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Hi, I am a Parent Child Relationship Therapist, Ida. If the parents find the child often tell lies in front of you, usually occur in primary school age and after, then it arouses the attention that there is a non-honest parent child relationship existed between you and your child. It is a serious issue and involves moral education of honesty vs deception. Why our child will tell lies? In fact, the child owns simple heart, parents should pay attention to the following:

1. check any dishonest environment / people / things existed and surrounded by your child

2. Explore the reasons why the child is lying: a. child always worry that there may be unpleasant consequences if he or she speaks the truth, such as punishment b. eager to get the attention and love from the parents c. full of expectations to some ideas d. jealous to other e. face-saving

3. Parents can consider to implement following steps: a. create or give honest environment / people / things to your child to experience b. set your own honest example to your child and let him or her to imitate your honest and sincere good quality c. parents can immediately give appreciation or encouragement, can be verbal praises or material small reward when child tells the truth d. the last but not the least, parents can facilitate your child to let go his or her “Face” and learn “to follow rules” and speak the truth, then the child can parents ‘s recognition and praise – Cause-Effect Law. The best way to establish a good parent-child relationship is to seek professional guidance, contact Ms Ida Poon, a Parent Child Relationship Therapist 2527 4000 / 9303 1671 and learn effective parent-child skills. Create your Happy Parent Child Relationship! Welcome to our website 親子輔導/Parent-Child Counseling  http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/


1. Parent Child Interactive Play Counseling-Child 2 to 7 years old

2. Play Counseling-Child over 7 years old

3. Theme Courses: Emotional Intelligence / Attentive Training / Money Intelligence / Social Skills / Sex Education / Leadership Training..Child over 2.5 years old

4. Children Psychological Assessment e.g IQ tests, Educational Evaluation, Dyslexia Assessment…child over 2.5 years old

5. Parent Child Yoga-child over 3 years old


Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre Limited

Rm B, 3/F, Sze Lai Bldg, 243 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, HK.

MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit A2, walk to Causeway Bay direction around 5 minutes

Tel: 25274000 / 9303 1671

Email: byctc.hk@gmail.com

Website: http://www.bhaktiyogahk.com/parent-child/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BhaktiYogaHK

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