關於我們/About Us

潘姑娘(Ida Poon)是心靈瑜珈輔導及培訓中心有限公司創辦人,她本身亦是一位資深臨床心理輔導員。

心靈瑜珈輔導及培訓中心有限公司是一間提供全面臨床心理輔導的機構。有鑑於近幾年間,香港市民承受不同種類及層面的壓力,包括工作、婚姻、家庭及人 際關係等等,出現了身體、心理及靈性上的超負荷,引致身心靈的失調、身體毛病或精神困擾,因此心靈瑜珈輔導及培訓中心有限公司在二零一一年成立。





  • 身體方面,中心會提供以健體為中心的瑜珈課程,以加強身體的力量,這亦是行為治療方法之一。透過運動的方式,改善不良的生活習慣。
  • 心理方面,中心會提供個人心理輔導、婚姻和家庭關係輔導、親子遊戲治療、性治療及催眠治療等,以培養積極正面的心理健康。
  • 靈性方面,中心會定期邀請海外的資深心靈或奉愛瑜珈修習者到香港,舉行專題講座及活動,以引發個人內在的自我覺悟。


輔導員資歷 Ida Poon

Ida Poon是一位資深臨床心理輔導員、註冊社工 (S.W.R.B.)、註冊戒賭輔導員(C.C.P.C.)及香港專業輔導協會的副院士。她於 1994年在香港城市大學獲取首個社會工作的學位。往後,她分別於2003年在南澳大學獲取了輔導學的碩士學歷及於 2007年在香港中文大學獲取了創傷心理學的碩士學歷。

隨著在輔導和社會工作領域工作逾二十年的日子,Ida Poon曾服務不同類型的案主群,包括邊沿青年,癌症病患者,長者,受家庭暴力,創傷和成癮的案主,具有性困擾問題的案主以及有管教2至7歲孩子困難的父母。因此,Ida Poon擁有在不同的輔導及社會工作環境的豐富工作經驗,包括青年中心,女童宿舍,老人中心,家庭服務中心,醫院,受虐待婦女和兒童的庇護中心,親子互動輔導服務,性輔導及為病態賭徒而設的戒賭治療中心等等。

至於Ida Poon的專業資歷,她從 2004年到現在分別取得註冊催眠治療師 (A.B.H.; I.M.D.H.A. & I.H.A.) ,時間線執行師 (T.L.T.A.),情緒指標高級執行師 (E.I.T.A.) ,註冊高級身心語言程式學執行師的專業資格 (A.B.N.L.P. & I.A.N.L.P.) 。2009年,她修讀了性治療專業證書課程,並獲取了由香港性教育、研究及治療專業協會及American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists 所頒發的註冊性治療師資格。同年,她還接受了戒煙輔導員的訓練,並通過由香港大學所舉辦的考試。Ida Poon可以透過運用催眠治療,時間線治療,遊戲治療,親子遊戲治療與認知行為治療來處理許多困難及具創傷性的案件。Ida Poon亦考獲瑜珈導師的資格 (SHKYI) 及(NYA)。她有興趣採用非傳統的方法,如身心靈與瑜珈的理論,應用在成癮的案主及其家人身上,以提昇他們自我控制的能力及正向心理的素質。她還向學生,合作伙伴, 警察,社會工作者和公眾提供相關的培訓、研討會及講座。


資深心靈瑜珈修習者 – Jaga Mohan Prabhu (JMP)

Jaga Mohan Prabhu在1992年在倫敦的格林威治大學完成了建築測量學學士學位課程後,他便跟隨印度高迪亞外士那瓦的傳統,在倫敦市中心的ISKCON機構成為 一名修習心靈瑜珈的僧人。在那裡,他學到高迪亞傳統的基本原則和理念。直至1996年,他終於遇上了他的純粹心靈瑜珈導師Narayana Swami (Om Visnu Pada Paramahamsa Paribrajakacarya astotara 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Mahraja)。

Jaga Mohan Prabhu從純粹心靈瑜珈導師Narayana Swami身上正式接受了啟廸,之後他便陪同他進行了連續兩次的世界巡遊,進一步從高迪亞的傳系中學習深奧的真理。往後他被派駐在英國伯明翰的高迪亞廟中 服務。在英國伯明翰高迪亞廟中服務的兩年成功經驗,令他再被分派到美國加州服務。在那裡,他成立了一間非牟利的機構 I.G.V.S.和管理在洛杉磯威尼斯海灘的玫瑰寺(Rose Temple)。2005年,Jaga Mohan Prabhu返回在印度馬圖拉的Keshavaji 高迪亞廟,以加深他與高迪亞傳系的關係。往後的六年,他在純粹心靈瑜珈導師Narayana Swami及其他資深心靈瑜珈導師身上學習高迪亞傳統的心緒。2010年及至現在,Jaga Mohan Prabhu希望在與印度只有短短距離的香港,與我們分享高迪亞的傳統智慧。在這裡他可以在偉大的心靈瑜珈導師的指導下,繼續學習和實踐心靈瑜珈。




About Us
Ms IDA POON is the Founder of the Pure Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre Limited in 2011. In 2014, the english company name has been changed as Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre Limited. She is also the Senior Clinical Counselor.  


When You receive our services

Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre Limited (BYCTC) is a comprehensive clinical psychological counselling service centre. The demands of modern life require us to withstand stress on many levels such as; the workplace, marriage, home and family, parenting and interpersonal relationships. Physical, mental and spiritual overload results in a host of physical, psychological disorders and health problems.

Our Mission

aims to help people on an individual or family/group level navigate through life’s problems. Our experienced counsellors assist the clients to better understand their own inner processes and to develop insight into the issues experienced. This empowers informed choices and fosters holistic health and peace of mind.

Our Service

functions on three levels: Body, Mind and Spirit

  • Body: Health centred yoga class for physical wellbeing. This is one type of behavioural therapy which changes negative habits through performing regular exercise.
  • Mind: In the mental faculty, we offer individual counselling, marital and family relationship counselling, Parent child play therapy, Sex Therapy and Hypnotherapy to achieve mental health.
  • Spirit: In the matter of spiritual development, we hold seminars and classes on bhakti yoga, inviting practitioners from overseas who instruct on self-realisation. These classes are held in groups and are community orientated.



Ms IDA POON is a Senior Clinical Counselor, Registered Social Worker (S.W.R.B.), Certified Gambling Counselor (C.C.P.C.), and Associate Fellow of the Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association. She got her BASW degree in the City University of Hong Kong in 1994. Then she studied two Master Degrees of Counseling in University of South Australia in 2003 and Trauma Psychology in Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007.

As working in the counseling and social work field for over 20 years, she has worked with different types of clienteles, including the delinquent youth, chronic illness patients, senior clients, domestic violence, traumatic and addictive clients, sexual problem clients and parents with children of aged 2-7 and having parenting difficulties. So she has fruitful working experiences in different counseling and social work settings, including Youth Centre, Girls Hostel, Social Centre for the Elderly, Family Service Centre, Hospitals, Women Shelter for the Abused Women and Children, Parent-Child Interactive Therapy Service, Couple and Sex Counseling and Counseling and Treatment Centre for Problem and Pathological Gamblers.

Regarding Ida’s professional background, she attained Registered Hypnotherapist (A.B.H.; I.M.D.H.A. & I.H.A.), Time Line Therapy Practitioner (T.L.T.A.), Emotion Index Therapy Master Practitioner (E.I.T.A.) and Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (A.B.N.L.P. & I.A.N.L.P.) from 2004 until now. In 2009, she has studied the Sex Therapy Professional Certification Course in Hong Kong and gained the Sex Therapist qualification granted by The Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists Limited and American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists. At the same year, she also accepted the Smoking Cessation Counselor Training and passed the exam by the University of Hong Kong. She is capable to handle many difficult and traumatic cases and groups by the application of Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy, Play Therapy, Parent-Child Interactive Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Ida gained Yoga Trainer qualification (SHKYI) & (NYA) and she has interests to apply alternative methods such as the Yoga and Mind-Body-Spiritual Approach in working with the addictive clients and the co-dependent family members. She also delivered relevant training, seminars and talks to both students, working parties, police, social work practitioners and public.


Senior Bhakti Yoga Practitioner – Jaga Mohan Prabhu (JMP)

In 1992 after completing his B.Sc. degree in Building Surveying at Greenwich University in London, JMP joined the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition of India where he became a monk practicing Bhakti Yoga at the I.S.K.C.O.N institution in central London. There he learnt the fundamental principles and philosophy of the Gaudiya tradition. By 1996 he came into contact with his spiritual master Om Visnu Pada Paramahamsa Paribrajakacarya astotara 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Mahraja of the Gaudiya Vaisnava Society (G.V.S.)

JMP received formal initiation from Srila Narayana Maharaja and served under him accompanying him on two successive world tours further learning the esoteric truths of the Gaudiya line. Thereafter he was stationed at the Gaudiya temple in Birmingham UK. After a successful 2 years there, he was assigned to serve in California where he established the non-profit organisation I.G.V.S and managed the Rose Temple in Venice Beach Los Angeles.

In 2005, JMP returned to India to deepen his relationship with the Gaudiya tradition being based at the Keshavaji Gaudiya Math in Mathura  where for the next 6 years, he would again imbibe the mood of the Vaisnava tradition under Srila Narayana Maharaja and other senior masters.

In 2010 and now, JMP has been sharing the wisdom of the Gaudiya tradition in Hong Kong just a short distance from India where he also continues to learn and practice bhakti yoga under the guidance of the great masters there.