心靈或奉愛瑜珈是一種覺悟內在自我的修行方式, 亦是體現個人成長和自我控制之中最簡單及最深刻的展示, 我們的專業研討會及心靈瑜珈課堂便是探討有關於自我、覺悟自我與和諧的課題
因果邏輯是我們活在這世界上的隱藏原則。事實上,大部份人都不察覺它直接地影響了我們生活的質素。科學告訴我們,每一個行為 (Action)都有一個大小相等或相反的反應 (Reaction)。我們的遠古祖先亦理解這一原則和確認了三種不同類型的行為。運用這門科學能使我們作出正確的選擇及以開放的心去覺悟內在整全自我的潛質。
- 自我控制及賦予權力
- 如何在現今社會打開快樂生活的鑰匙
- 如何在現今社會了解真愛的秘密
時間:逢星期日, 下午5:00-8:00
內容: 印度傳統音樂分享、心靈瑜珈講課(免費)及健康素食(每位$50元)
備註: 想瞭解有關心靈瑜珈課題,或出席聚會, 或可以做服務, 請聯絡whatapps Ida/Indumati 9303 1671 / 2527 4000, 歡迎帶同親友一同參與, 電郵:indumati.hk@gmail.com 網址:www.bhaktiyogahk.com
地址:灣仔軒尼詩道243號詩禮大廈3樓B室 (灣仔地鐵站A2出口, 向銅鑼灣方向行5分鐘) <靈魂需要靈糧> hare krsna
Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti yoga reawakens the dynamic processes of the inner self. It is the simplest yet most profound practice in the field of Empowerment, Self Development and Self Mastery. Our seminars explore the fundamental principles of The Self, Inner Being and Harmony.
The Hierarchy of the self
Learning to distinguish between the various aspects of the self, BODY, MIND & SPIRIT, their interrelationships, which, when correctly aligned effect positive change.
The Science of Action
Cause and effect is the underlying principle of our experience in the world. Most of us are unaware of the processes which determine the quality of our lives. Science tells us that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Our ancient ancestors understood this principle and recognized three different types of action. By applying this science we enable proper discrimination and open the door way to realizing our full potential.
Self Determination
Self-determination is essential for personal development. Knowing our personal qualification determines three different paths: the path of Desire, the path of Knowledge and the path of Love and Affection.
Bhakti yoga is a progressive holistic lifestyle which facilitates harmony, understanding, empowerment and wellbeing.
Professional Seminars’ topics include
- Self Mastery and Empowerment,
- How to achieve Higher Happiness in our Modern Life and
- How to Understand the Secret of True Love through the lens of Psychological domain and Bhakti Yoga Perspective
Every Sunday Bhakti Yoga Spiritual Program
- Every Sunday: 5:00-8:00p.m.
- Content: Traditional Indian Music, Class on Ancient Vedic(free of charge), Wisdom, Vegetarian Feast meal($50 per each)
- Remarks: Please phone/whatapps to Ida/Indumati 9303-1671 / 2527 4000 if you have any enquiries of Bhakti Yoga Topic / or want to attend program / or can serve, Welcome to bring relatives or friends to attend
- E-mail: indumati.hk@gmail.com Web: www.bhaktiyogahk.com,
- Address:Rm B, 3/F, Sze Lai Bldg, 243 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, HK (MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit A2, walk to Causeway Bay direction as 5 minutes). <SOUL need SOUL FOOD> hare krsna