婚姻輔導/Marital Counseling


  • 經常因事嘈咬
  • 已有一段時間少有親密的溝通
  • 曾或現正出現冷戰
  • 曾或正互不理睬, 或當對方透明
  • 一想起他/她(伴侶), 負面的思想或/及負面的感覺便呈現
  • 已很久沒有親密的身體接觸/性行為
  • 其他:_______________________________________

以上的提問只作參考, 但在一定程度上, 已反映出你與伴侶在維繫雙方關係上已有缺口, 需立即正視及處理!

因為有緣及有份, 你和你的伴侶才能結成夫婦及維持一定的親密的關係。但時間久了, 所有的事情變得理所當然, 新鮮感,包容感不復再,隨之而來是討厭感及怨恨感。事實上,離婚未必是唯一選擇,在我們的臨床輔導經驗上, 婚姻輔導是其中一項有效及快捷的解決方法。成功的秘訣是在專業的婚姻輔導員的引導下,雙方均願意坦誠由心對話,問題既成之,亦可解之。當深情的愛再次被肯定時, 你和你的伴侶一定可以手拖手再次踏上甜蜜婚姻路, 請即與我們聯絡!


電話:2527 4000   傳真:2527 4200

電郵:byctc.hk@gmail.com  網址: www.bhaktiyogahk.com


 2013年5月, 中心接受了新婚生活易(Wedding from ESD life)訪問有關婚姻雞尾酒療法


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Marital Counseling

Divorce may not be the only option to handle marital problem! It is important to improve the relationship between you and your partner (couple) through effective marital counseling, please contact us now , Tel: (852) 2527-4000  Fax: (852) 2527-4200, Email: byctc.hk@gmail.com  Website: www.bhaktiyogahk.com


If you and your partner has occurred the followings:

• often make quarrels
• lacks of intimate communication for a long time already
• silent to each others
• ignore to each others or neglect his or her existence
• negative thoughts and / or negative feeling will be occurred when thinking of him or her
• has been a long time without intimate physical contact / sexual behavior
• Other: _______________________________________

Above items are for reference only, but to a certain extent, it is reflected that the relationship between you and your partner has some gaps and need to face and deal with!

Owing to strong love and desire, you and your partner are engaged and become a couple and to maintain a close relationship to each others. Time passed. When two live together for longer time, it is difficult to find a fresh feeling and tolerance to each others. On the contrary, a hate feeling and complaints occurred. In fact, divorce is not necessarily the only choice on our experience in clinical counseling. Marital counseling is one of the effective and efficient solutions to handle marital problem. Under the guidance of a professional marriage counselor, if you and your partner can keep open heart to make some heart dialogues, the success is near. When the love can be reassured, it means both you and your partner walk in the sweet marriage road again. Please contact us now!

Mixed marital therapy:

means based on the different marital situations of our clients to deliver different and mixed marital therapy, such as individual therapy, couple interviews, experiential exercises or behavioral therapy and so on. The main purpose is to let each others can have a chance of free sharing, understand self and the other parties’ needs, release negative emotions and finally achieve a win-win situation and walk in the marital road again.

Tips for Men:

“When a woman talks to you, what she needs are your listening ears and sharing her feeling rather than seeking problem solution.”


Tips for Women:

“Women often give her unsolicited opinions to man, however, in the eyes of man, it belongs to a picky criticism of his ability, rather than giving your love and concern to him.”