2017年12月13日中心承蒙 教育局邀請為全港中小學老師舉辦教師培訓, 培訓題目是 [共建有效師、家通道], 老師學習如何與非一般家長作有效溝通, 研討會已經順利完成, 感謝老師的出席及投入參與, 感謝Margaret, Anna, Mabel及教育局技術人員的協助, 老師們,加油! 有效的溝通是非常重要, 可以省卻很多麻煩, 令管教、關係、工作……更加順暢,中心提供個別或團體專業訓練, 歡迎瀏覽網頁 專業培訓/企業教練, 聯絡心靈瑜珈輔導及培訓中心 2527 4000 / 9303 1671
日期: 2017年12月13日(星期三)
時間: 上午9時至下午12時
地點: 九龍塘教育服務中心西座四樓講堂
參加對象: 小學、中學及特殊學校校長、副校長、訓導老師、輔導老師、班主任及其他學校同工
We are honored to be invited of the Education Bureau, to deliver a Seminar for Primary and Secondary Teachers on the topic of “Effective Communication with Difficult Parents” in 13 December 2017. Teachers learn how to communicate with difficult parents effectively. The seminar went smoothly completed. We were grateful to the attendance and active participation of the teachers. And also thanks the staff of Education Bureau, including Margaret, Anna, Mabel and EDB technicians for assistance. Teachers, add oil! Effective communication is really very important and can reduce the occurrence of problems and make progress properly in the aspects of parenting, relationship, work… We are delivered individual and group professional training, welcome to browse our website, contact Bhakti Yoga Counseling and Training Centre 2527 4000 / 9303 1671 for further enquiry.