地址:灣仔軒尼詩道243號詩禮大廈3樓B室 (灣仔地鐵站A2出口, 向銅鑼灣方向行5分鐘) <靈魂需要靈糧> hare krsna
Every Sunday Bhakti Yoga Spiritual Program
Every Sunday 5:00-8:00p.m.
Content: Traditional Indian Music, Class on Ancient Vedic(free of charge), Wisdom, Vegetarian Feast meal($50 per each)
Remarks: Welcome to bring relatives or friends to attend, please phone/whatapps to Ida/Indumati 9303-1671 / 2527 4000 if you have any enquiries of Bhakti Yoga Topic / or want to attend program / or can serve E-mail: indumati.hk@gmail.com Web: www.bhaktiyogahk.com,
Address:Rm B, 3/F, Sze Lai Bldg, 243 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, HK (MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit A2, walk to Causeway Bay direction as 5 minutes). <SOUL need SOUL FOOD> hare krsna